

The Aries season typically begins on March 21st and ends on April 19th. Positive Traits Positive qualities of an Aries include their boldness and assertiveness, which make them natural leaders who can inspire and motivate others. Their independent nature allows them to take charge and pursue their goals with unwavering determination. Aries’ adventurous spirit and…

Shadow Archetypes

Shadow Archetypes

Every person carries within them a constellation of shadow archetypes – those aspects of ourselves that we’ve learned to hide, suppress, or deny. Understanding these archetypes isn’t about labeling ourselves as “good” or “bad,” but rather about embracing the fullness of our human experience. What Are Shadow Archetypes? Shadow archetypes represent the unconscious aspects of…

Shadow Work Aftercare & Why it’s Important
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Shadow Work Aftercare & Why it’s Important

When we embark on the profound journey of shadow work, we often focus intensely on the process itself—the diving deep, the confronting, and the understanding of our hidden aspects. However, what many practitioners overlook is the crucial period that follows these intense sessions. Today, we’re exploring the vital practice of shadow work aftercare, a topic…

Introduction To Shadow Work

Introduction To Shadow Work

There’s a quote I often share with those beginning their shadow work journey: “The shadow is not bad; it simply wants to be acknowledged and integrated.” This fundamental truth has guided countless individuals, including myself, through the transformative process of shadow work. What is Shadow Work? Shadow work is the practice of exploring the hidden…

Tarot & Self Care

Tarot & Self Care

Tarot, at its core, is a deck of 78 cards filled with rich symbolism and archetypal imagery. While many associate tarot with fortune-telling or predicting the future, these mystical cards have evolved into something far more profound – a powerful tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and emotional well-being. The deck consists of 22 Major Arcana…