May: Magickal Year
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May: Magickal Year

Ancient Origins and Etymology The name May is derived from Maia, the Roman goddess of spring, growth, and fertility. Maia, whose name means “great” or “mother,” was honored as a nurturing and life-giving force, making May a month of abundance, vitality, and flourishing. In Roman tradition, Maia was celebrated with offerings of flowers and rituals…

February: Magickal Year
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February: Magickal Year

Ancient Origins and Etymology The name February originates from the Latin word Februa, which refers to an ancient Roman purification festival held during this month. The festival, also known as Lupercalia, was celebrated to cleanse the city of Rome and ensure fertility and prosperity. The word februare means “to purify,” and February became associated with…

Ancestor Healing for Generational Trauma
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Ancestor Healing for Generational Trauma

Generational trauma, also known as intergenerational or ancestral trauma, refers to the emotional, psychological, and even physical wounds passed down through family lines. These wounds may manifest as recurring patterns of fear, scarcity, shame, or unresolved grief that echo through generations, often without conscious awareness. While modern psychology offers tools for identifying and processing these…